this immediately reminded me of somthing you might hear while on weed and u see all those preeety colors and haulcinations...(ahem) anyway good work and the ending makes me think of the part when people pass out... EPIC WIN
this immediately reminded me of somthing you might hear while on weed and u see all those preeety colors and haulcinations...(ahem) anyway good work and the ending makes me think of the part when people pass out... EPIC WIN
ahah thanks
great remix of this song i remember the good old days playing this game...(sniffel) anyway i has a question... were u bored when u made this?
awesome but i gots some questions
did u accually beat the game? if so you should make a remix of the beginning senquence and/or the senquence of them riding the train ( got it stuck i my head from countless hours of playing that game)
this song is awesome it jsut kinda blasts out a little... but still AWESOME
im at a loss for words
i still cant believe u put BUSH of all people in a song and it sounded accually rlly good bravo good man bravo
question wat program do u use or do u play this yourself?
either way excelent work 10-10
calm cool and collected kinda reminds me of weed but u kno anyway ithe song does wat its susposed 2 do i use it as a lullaby for my 7year old cousin now works.
Lullaby? Well thats awesome im glad I actually put someone to sleep with my crappy music rofl. :D
seroulsy???!?!?! this is halirous and at the same time a little creepy... im still trying 2 figure out what u were doing in the bathroom with ur brother...?
I made this when I was 12. I am listening to it now when I am 17 and I cant stop laughing WTF was wrong with me.
dude the frog is annoying and hyper (kinda like me) but his song rocks and guess who made it way better (stadium cheers) thankyou so very much
very good
like ths\e song but as Biospark64 said its repetive. on the upside it would be a fast paced platformer as drakekiller says. maybe megaman?
anyway good work this is one of the few decent blue immitations
lol yea its a bit repeditive it was an earlier song
i am me. cant change.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 11/11/08